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About us - News


5 June
Diaphragmatic breathing improves esophageal function in patients with reflux symptoms

At the world gastroenterology congress Digestive Disease Week in the USA, Czech experts from the Pavel Kolář Center for Exercise Medicine presented the results of a long-term study. MD Lucie Zdrhová proved that diaphragmatic breathing improves the function of the lower esophageal sphincter and reduces reflux. A clinical trial is now underway to confirm these results.

26 March
Spring fatigue and how to manage it

In the spring we should be full of energy thanks to the longer sun and warmer weather. Yet many of us feel tired and lack energy. In this article, we will show you how to fight spring fatigue and maintain your vitality even during the transition to the warmer season.

25 March
Spring runs: Preparing for the season and the importance of recovery

As nature begins to come to life and the radios announce the early blooming of the apricot trees, many of us feel it's time to get back on the cross-country trails. The start of spring is a long-awaited period for many running lovers...