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Specializations - Orthopedics Prague - CPM Pavel Kolář
We specialise in overall care for the musculoskeletal system. Our treatment is aimed at patients of all age groups who suffer from problems associated with joints, muscles, muscle attachments, ligaments, or disorders of the movement system. We also specialise in the treatment of accidents and injuries.
Our team of experienced orthopedists will help you regain a full life without pain and limitations. We see patients suffering from pain in the shoulders, elbows, wrists, ankles, forelegs, knees and hips, as well as those dealing with foot deformities such as hallux valgus or hallux rigidus and bony growths.

Maintain your health with a comprehensive preventive check-up
Don't wait for health problems to appear. Our comprehensive preventive check-up offers you early detection of risks and provides a personalized plan to maintain your health. Use the expertise of our team and modern diagnostic methods for your peace of mind and safety. Book a tour and invest in your health and well-being.
19,500 CZK
Restore your health with advanced rehabilitation care
At the Movement Medicine Center, we provide top-quality rehabilitation care for solving problems with the musculoskeletal system. Our specialists are dedicated to diagnosis and targeted treatment, including a comprehensive analysis of the body and movement. Tailored therapies, an individual approach and collaboration with other medical professionals guarantee an effective solution to your health needs.
Comprehensive approach
Our range of care is comprehensive, including intra-articular and extra-articular applications of medicinal products, consultations before orthopedic operations and the provision of post-operative and post-traumatic care, followed by rehabilitation.
In order for the treatment procedure to be designed as precisely as possible, after the initial examination by our specialist in some cases we recommend additional examinations to patients, such as diagnostic ultrasound, X-ray or magnetic resonance. If an the need for an operation is indicated, we arrange for it to be carried out at one of our premises where we can ensure a quick and effective recovery thanks to our post-operative rehabilitation programmes which will be fully adapted to your situation.
In order to benefit from the above-standard care of our Movement Medicine Centre, we recommend choosing one of our annual programmes which are tailored to your needs and ensure long-term support for your musculoskeletal system.
Super-conciliar doctors
At the Pavel Kolář Center for Movement Medicine, we provide super-conciliar care for both adult and pediatric patients. Our above-standard diagnosis and treatments are provided by world-renowned orthopedists who specialise in various areas:
- MD Petr Chládek – hip examination specialist.
- MD Radek Kebrle – focused on examining the hand.
- MD Vlasta Voráček – offers complete holistic examinations.
- doc. MD Alena Schejbalová, Ph.D. – specialist in pediatric examination.
- Prof. MD Tomáš Trč – provides examinations before the TEP operations.
Our super consultant doctors are here to provide you with the best specialised care for your health. Visit us and give a new dimension to your movement.
Super-conciliar examination: CZK 3 500
Do you want us to contact you?
Please do not hesitate to contact us by phone to solve any acute problems. Submitting a request via the form does not guarantee an automatic order. We will get back to you with confirmation within one working day.
Need some advice?
222 204 304
Mon - Thurs 7:00 a.m.–7:00 p.m.
Fri 7:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
Our team
doc. MUDr. Jakub Kautzner, Ph.D.
doc. MUDr. Alena Schejbalová, Ph.D.
View all team members