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What to do with a sore back, strained muscles and overworked tendons, but also about how to work with concentration, breath and meditation as means to heal the body and mind.

Have you ever had back pain? Are you hurting right now? You are not alone. Back pain is the most common non-traumatic pain with which people come to the doctor. Play the sixth episode of the podcast It will be good! You will learn everything they need to know about their pain.
The To bude dobrý podcast is created in collaboration between rehabilitation doctor Šárka Ducháčková and director and meditation teacher Jan Dufek.
How to behave when we get hurt? What do sports and meditation have in common or how to treat injured tendons? You can find these and other topics on the website
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222 204 304
Mon - Thurs 7:00 a.m.–7:00 p.m.
Fri 7:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m.